Help Us Bring Others Up The Ladder By Meeting The Challenge

Up the Ladder 

Designed to provide financial down payment assistance for someone who was once on government subsidy but is now on a path to self-sustainability and home ownership.

It takes a strong person to ask for help, and a strong community to provide it.  For those without a head start, the road to financial security and self-sustainability can be long; in fact, the path toward a dream as big as owning a home might even take generations…

Our society offers assistance to people in need not as a permanent solution to their problems, but as a means to help them create their own solutions.  While some people may not treat public assistance in that way, in our experience, most actually do.  For those who have used and then voluntarily moved on past using government assistance on their way to self-sustainability, we believe a boost to get them to the top of their ladder and fast-tracking their path toward home ownership is an incredibly worthy cause; one that offers a unique opportunity to help a much forgotten but powerful subset of our community.  These are the people who, although they may still be quite poor by local standards and think they would never have a chance to become a homeowner, they are truly a rich asset to our community.  Empowering people like these who have journeyed from the bottom toward self-sustainability can help build bridges to others a few rungs down who may be inspired by their story.

We have a challenge to raise $2,500 by February 15, 2020.  If met, we will receive an additional $2,500 for this fund from an anonymous donor.  Help us meet the challenge and bring others Up the Ladder by donating today