Our 2025 Scholarship Applications will open on 12/1/2024! Learn more under our Grants and Scholarship tab.

Congratulation to Judy!

Welcome to Judy’s House

Any day is a good day for Judy,  at the Katherine and Charles Green House Homes. One of her happiest moments is helping prepare dessert for all those who live in her house. Judy, states, “home is where the heart is and this is home” and “you know the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”, she giggles while making homemade brownies, in an open kitchen that sits in the heart of the house.

Judy’s story won the “Your Story” grant and helped Hover Community receive $1,000! Learn more about this grants and others at https://longmontfoundation.org/grants-and-scholarships/grant-programs/.

Hover Community brings back meaningful life to the elders in this non-traditional nursing home. Learn more about Hover Community at https://www.hovercommunity.org/.