Del & Dorothe Reddington’s Legacy to Longmont

$90,000 minus $10,000 = $90,000

We’re not bad at math…

Just a little over two years ago proceeds from the Delbert and Dorothe Reddington Trust were used to establish an endowed fund at the Longmont Community Foundation.

Because they selected the Longmont Community Foundation as their beneficiary, and because their fund is endowed it continues to grow and benefit our community.  In a very short span of time, the Delbert and Dorothe Reddington Fund has given $10,000 to agencies that serve our community.  Even after their lifetimes, they continue to help meet the needs of our community.  Through the Longmont Community Foundation, their philanthropy will continue to impact lives — forever.

From the Delbert and Dorothe Reddington Fund, grants have been provided to:

The Tiny Tim Center
Habitat for Humanity
The Longmont Museum
First Congregational Church
The St. Vrain Historical Society

That’s how $90,000 minus $10,000 can equal $90,000

Just think of the impacts of their philanthropy in 10 or 20 years…

The Longmont Community Foundation has been helping generous donors make the most of their legacies for more than 15 years.  To learn more about how you can leave a powerful and permanent legacy, contact The Longmont Community Foundation at 303-678-6555 or email us at