Memorial Gifts

Some people create special funds for tributes and memorials.

Contributions may also be made to existing funds in order to:

  • honor a living person
  • memorialize deceased persons
  • commemorate anniversaries or other special events

You can also use this giving option to:

  • engage a civic group in creating an emergency relief fund for a disaster
  • support the favorite charities of a couple celebrating their 50th anniversary
  • create a scholarship fund acknowledging the contributions of a retiring teacher
  • create a youth program that keeps the memory of a deceased child
  • Many people like to give to the Live & Give Longmont Fund to honor or memorialize someone. And if you choose, we can notify the appropriate person about your gift.

The Live & Give Longmont Fund helps meet the changing needs of Longmont and the St. Vrain Valley. Many people have contributed to this fund since 1994. Earnings from this fund are distributed through our Live & Give Longmont Grants Program.