A cash gift is the simplest way to establish a fund. Cash gifts are fully deductible up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income in any one year. Deduction amounts exceeding this limit may be carried forward for up to five additional years.
Gifts of appreciated securities (bonds and stock, including stock in closely held companies) also may be used to establish a fund. Such gifts often provide important tax advantages. Their full fair market value is deductible as a charitable contribution up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. As with gifts of cash, deduction amounts exceeding this limit may be carried forward for up to five additional years. The added benefit of giving appreciated securities is the avoidance of the capital gains tax on the appreciated portion of the gift. Gifts of closely held stock enjoy the same tax benefits as with publicly traded stock.
Life insurance policies also can be used as charitable gifts. If you name The Longmont Community Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy, you receive an immediate tax deduction, which usually approximates the cash surrender value of the policy. All premium payments made by you thereafter will be deductible as a charitable contribution.
Gifts of homes or property may also be considered a charitable donation. If you are considering this option, we would be happy to discuss your circumstances with no obligation. Download our Real Estate Fact Sheet for more information
If you have questions about outright gifts please contact The Longmont Community Foundation at 303-678-6555.