Human Services

Center for People With Disabilities

Needs: $3,000
We are seeking to acquire and display quintessential, historical photographs highlighting the early Independent Living Movement. We are raising funds to purchase rights to pictures taken by legendary photographer Tom Olin. The photos will be displayed in our facility and used for historical education and current inspiration.
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The Mission of the Center for People with Disabilities is to provide resources, information, and advocacy to assist people with disabilities in overcoming barriers to independent living.


More about this organization

The Center for People with Disabilities works so that people with disabilities may live independently. We believe that there is nothing more disabling than pity. People with disabilities are a powerful and significant part of our community, yet, overall, our social roles have been marginalized by bigotry, discrimination, poverty, isolation, dependency, and pity. Americans with disabilities have not had the same access to transportation, housing,  employment, and other public resources as most citizens. Our long-term vision is one of integration and equality.