Community Projects Catalog

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Human Services

Family Village Foundation

Family Village Foundation supports the mental, social, emotional and economic health of moms and their young children through the creation of women-owned childcare and community cooperative spaces.
Needs: $15,000
Needs: $15,000

Human Services

Food Security Network (FSN) Boulder and Broomfield Counties

FSN strives to create significant systemic changes that increase equitable access to food in Boulder and Broomfield Counties.
Needs: $10,000
Needs: $10,000

Human Services

Habitat for Humanity of the St Vrain Valley

Our vision is a world where everyone has a decent and affordable place to live. Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.
Needs: $2,500
Needs: $2,500
Happiness Through Horses Logo

Human Services

Happiness Through Horses

Happiness Through Horses (HTH) aims to enrich the lives of at-risk youth aged 12-19 who are vulnerable to engaging in behaviors such as substance abuse, dropping out of high school, or encountering the criminal justice system by mentoring and connecting them with horses. Our leadership and empowerment programs, community service, and volunteering increase self-governance and coping skills.
Needs: $5,000
Needs: $5,000

Human Services

HomeAhead Furniture Bank

HomeAhead's mission is to promote housing stability by providing gently used, community-donated home furnishings to individuals & families transitioning from the experience of homelessness to being housing. Our program supports success in housing while advancing equity & reducing landfill waste.
Needs: $3,000
Needs: $3,000

Human Services


Imagine! creates and offers innovative supports and services to people with cognitive, developmental, physical, and health-related needs so that they may live fulfilling lives of independence and quality in their homes and communities.
Needs: $10,000
Needs: $10,000

Human Services

Immigrant Legal Center of Boulder County

The Immigrant Legal Center advises and advocates both for new arrivals and longstanding immigrant families. Our three-member legal services team has just hired a GREAT new intern from Longmont. With updated technology she can help us expand our services to the community, and study to become our fourth legal representative.
Needs: $3,000
Needs: $3,000

Human Services

Kenzi’s Causes

Kenzi's Causes host a free toy shop for families in need in December to shop for their children. All toys are new.
Needs: $2,500
Needs: $2,500

Human Services

LEAF, Lyons Elevating All Fund

LEAF offers resources to grow health and wellbeing in the Greater Lyons area. We are moving to our own home in January and need support to stock our new Food Pantry.
Needs: $2,000
Needs: $2,000

Human Services

Longmont Meals on Wheels

Longmont Meals on Wheels Home Delivered Meals offers affordable, ready-to-eat, nutritious meals and a daily wellness check for older adults and people with disabilities.
Needs: $5,720
Needs: $5,720
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