Community Projects Catalog

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Human Services

The Reentry Initiative

The Reentry Initiative helps adults on parole and probation in Boulder County re-envision their life - covering basic needs, career pathways, mental health and life coaching
Needs: $10,000
Needs: $10,000

Human Services

The Round Pantry at Westview Presbyterian Church

The Round Pantry, a distributing agency of Community Food Share, provides food twice a month to 450+ households and 500+ individuals. Meeting this need depends of donations of food, money and time by the community so everyone who comes to Pantry receives food, respect, and a kind word. We were proud to receive a Healthy Community Award from Boulder Community Public Health. Video:
Needs: $30,000
Needs: $30,000

Human Services

Veterans Community Project

Founded by Combat Veterans, Veterans Community Project (VCP) is a unique and highly effective transitional housing and supportive services program for Veterans and their families. We are determined to make a difference in the lives of homeless Veterans, a task accomplished by the community for the community.
Needs: $2,500
Needs: $2,500

Human Services

Voices for Children, CASA of Boulder County

Voices for Children (VFC) provides best-interest advocacy for children and youth under the age of 18 who have experienced abuse and neglect in Boulder County. For 38 years, we have remained dedicated to providing our community's most vulnerable children with CASA volunteers who ensure their needs are met as they navigate the child welfare system.
Needs: $5,000
Needs: $5,000

Human Services

YWCA Boulder County

YWCA Boulder County works to create effective, lasting change by breaking down barriers so all Boulder County residents can thrive and be self-sufficient. Our direct services include childcare, and K-12 school programs.
Needs: $2,500
Needs: $2,500
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